Operating Hours

07:00am - 21:00pm EST

We’re on call 24/7

+1 240-363-7223

Quality Driven. Excellence Delivered.

Quality Driven,
Excellence Delivered.


Can we be your guide?

The great aim of eduation is not knowledge but action. If you have been led down the wrong road, you don’t need motivation or encouragement, just the right information to put you on the right path. Compliance is not a one time event, but a continuous (and ever changing) process. Sometimes all we need a little help (or a lot); to get our operations producing quality above and beyond what we could have ever imagined. Let us help you get there.

What we do

Consulting Services

Remote Consulting

This option is for anyone of course, but saves on travel - just about anything on-site, I've figured out a way to do remotely. However, if needed more than willing to come to you!

Operations Analysis

Need a second set of eyes from outside your organization to look under the hood? I got this. It's a great way to get an overall, fairly quick assessment of exactly what needs improvement - prioritized by risk.

M&A Due Diligence

Who likes to waste money? I'm with you. Don't pay for a Ferrari when you're receiving...anything other than a Ferrari. And it doesn't stop there; also avaialbe to ensure everything is remediated prior to the final sale.

Productivity Improvement

I'm not sure there are many people, particularly in this area, that like to waste time for no reason. But, no one knows everything and no man is an island. It's for that reason, sometimes it's a good idea to have someone help you get from where you are to where you need to be.

On-site Consulting

I'll find everything - before (or after) anyone with regulatory authority does. But that's a good thing. No one's perfect, but what we should be striving for when lives are on the line. Better I find it than anyone else - in a relaxed, friendly manner and without consequence.

Personnel Training/DP

While this isn't anything new, the demand has increased. Someone to literally be the trainer, train the trainer or actual designated person to oversee your entire Quality program.

What can we help you overcome?

We help the pharmaceutical industry stay ahead in a rapidly changing world.

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